What is an Energy Performance Certificate?The Energy Performance Certificate is broadly similar to the certificates
found on many domestic appliances. An average property in the UK has a grading of D or E on both scales. Each rating is based on the performance of the building itself and its services (such as heating and lighting), rather than the domestic appliances within it. This is known as an asset rating. The certificate also lists the potential rating of the building if all the cost-effective measures were installed. The cost of the measures recommended will vary, but the certificate will distinguish between those that cost under £500 and those that could cost more, such as double glazing or new heating systems. The certificate will also list further measures that will help achieve the highest possible ratings for the home, but which could be expensive and will take more than seven years to repay their cost in energy savings. EPCs are produced using standard methods with standard assumptions about energy usage, so that the energy efficiency of one building can easily be compared with another building of the same type. This allows prospective buyers, tenants, owners, occupiers and purchasers to see information on the energy efficiency and carbon emissions from the building, allowing them to consider energy efficiency and fuel costs as part of the investment. If you wish to see an example of a full EPC, click on the link below. This will take you to the Government’s Home Information Pack website. |